Fleming County Hospital and Meadowview Regional Medical Center Honor Organ Donors
April 28, 2022
Fleming County Hospital and Meadowview Regional Medical Center joined members and hospitals across the state in raising a Donate Life Flag to honor donors, recognizing the recipients who received the gift of hope.
The donate Life flag was first introduced in 2006. Since then, it has become a national symbol of unity, remembrance, and hope, while honoring those touched by donation and transplantation. During the past 14 years, 50,000 donate Life flags have flown across America.
We recognize the more than 100,000 patients waiting for a life-saving transplant in the U.S. Of those 100,000 people who are waiting for a life-saving transplant, one thousand are right here in Kentucky. Fleming County Hospital and Meadowview Regional Medical Center not only recognize their strength and courage, but we also honor the hundreds of Kentucky donors and donor families that have so selflessly given the gift of life and healing through organ, tissue, and eye donation.
Last year in Kentucky, there were more than 180 deceased organ donors, more than 480 tissue donors and more than 700 cornea donors! Many recipients received the gift of life and hope with more than 400 organs transplanted.
Fleming County Hospital and Meadowview Regional Medical Center want to say thank you to our 2 million Kentucky neighbors who have said “Yes,” and registered as organ, tissue and eye donors. We appreciate the efforts of our driver license partners who have made it possible for a large percent of those registered donors to add their names to the Kentucky donor registry each and every day as part of their job. Together we are united in a mission to save and heal lives and create a culture where donation is embraced as a fundamental human responsibility.